Nerd Nite XIII 11.12.15

Our speakers for Nerd Nite Miami’s November nite were the 6 amazing finalists for the CappSci Inventors prize at the Frost Science Museum. The scientists/inventors were competing for a $100,000 grant to support a 12-18 month installation at Frost Science, as part of the inventors-in-residence initiative. One for the best invention to restore coral reefs, and one for the best invention to help people reduce their exposure to carcinogens.

Our nerds heard from these talented inventors and helped decide which two should win.  Thanks, nerds!

The winners are:

Coral Prize:  Rivah Winter & Andrew Baker, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science – Stress hardening corals

Carcinogen PrizePrasoon Diwakar, Purdue University – Cost effective carcinogen detector